Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2008

First article on CodeProject

After a long while of absence I am here to announce my first article on CodeProject. The article describes how to use custom attributes and AOP in c# to implement a permission management for business logics. Have a look and enjoy reading.

You can find the article here.

Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008

Getting started

Console.Out.WriteLine("Hello World!");

So here i am, writing my first posting for my own blog. Took me quite a while to find a blog provider for free, while looking decent and trustable. As you can see I finally made it to

So what will this blog be about? (Beside the effect learning to write good english...) Like the title is saying it, me in the wide world of software. I'm currently working a lot with the .NET Framework, and what should I say: I'm lovin it! But this blog will be more than another MS Advertisement, it should touch nearly all topics around software i'm dealing with the whole day.

So let's get it on!